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News & Events
- - - -

Goodbye and Thank you...


Canine Good Citizen Testing is now available at SDTC.  Contact the board and testing can be scheduled at a time convenient for evaluator and participants!

Hope to see you out there!

Our 2013/2014 General Membership Meeting,
Elections and Holiday Party


An Awesome time was had by all!!!

Santa Greets the "good" dogs at the party!
(of course ALL SDTC dogs are GOOD DOGS!)

Ragu and Trouble practice before going to talk to Santa!!!

Santa, A big rawhide bone would be great, but removing these antlers would be even better!!!  Love, Sedona

Jaspar Rappl guards the food table… Weird that it's right at my nose level but I'm not allowed to get myself anything… 

Full House at the Holiday Party… 






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